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Legend (GEBCO2022/GEBCO_2022_TID_GCS_Tiled)

GEBCO_2022_TID_32bit_COG.tif (0)
Land Land
Singlebeam - depth value collected by a single beam echo-sounder Singlebeam - depth value collected by a single beam echo-sounder
Multibeam - depth value collected by a multibeam echo-sounder Multibeam - depth value collected by a multibeam echo-sounder
Seismic - depth value collected by seismic methods Seismic - depth value collected by seismic methods
Isolated sounding - depth value that is not part of a regular survey or trackline Isolated sounding - depth value that is not part of a regular survey or trackline
ENC sounding - depth value extracted from an Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) ENC sounding - depth value extracted from an Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC)
Lidar - depth derived from a bathymetric lidar sensor Lidar - depth derived from a bathymetric lidar sensor
Depth measured by optical light sensor Depth measured by optical light sensor
Combination of direct measurement methods Combination of direct measurement methods
Predicted based on satellite-derived gravity data - depth value is an interpolated value guided by satellite-derived gravity data Predicted based on satellite-derived gravity data - depth value is an interpolated value guided by satellite-derived gravity data
Interpolated based on a computer algorithm - depth value is an interpolated value based on a computer algorithm (e.g. Generic Mapping Tools) Interpolated based on a computer algorithm - depth value is an interpolated value based on a computer algorithm (e.g. Generic Mapping Tools)
Digital bathymetric contours from charts - depth value taken from a bathymetric contour data set Digital bathymetric contours from charts - depth value taken from a bathymetric contour data set
 Digital bathymetric contours from ENCs - depth value taken from bathymetric contours from an Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) Digital bathymetric contours from ENCs - depth value taken from bathymetric contours from an Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC)
Bathymetric sounding - depth value at this location is constrained by bathymetric sounding(s) within a gridded data set where interpolation between sounding points is guided by satellite-derived gravity data Bathymetric sounding - depth value at this location is constrained by bathymetric sounding(s) within a gridded data set where interpolation between sounding points is guided by satellite-derived gravity data
Predicted based on helicopter/flight-derived gravity data Predicted based on helicopter/flight-derived gravity data
Depth estimated by calculating the draft of a grounded iceberg using satellite-derived freeboard measurement. Depth estimated by calculating the draft of a grounded iceberg using satellite-derived freeboard measurement.
 Pre-generated grid - depth value is taken from a pre-generated grid that is based on mixed source data types, e.g. single beam, multibeam, interpolation etc. Pre-generated grid - depth value is taken from a pre-generated grid that is based on mixed source data types, e.g. single beam, multibeam, interpolation etc.
Unknown source - depth value from an unknown source Unknown source - depth value from an unknown source
Steering points - depth value used to constrain the grid in areas of poor data coverage Steering points - depth value used to constrain the grid in areas of poor data coverage