| Caspian Sea grid no sounding |
| Black Sea grid no sounding |
| Weddell Sea grid no sounding |
| Caspian Sea grid |
| Black Sea grid |
| Weddell Sea grid |
| Geoscience Australia grid |
| ENC soundings East Asia Hydrographic Commission |
| ENC bathymetric contours East Asia Hydrographic Commission |
| North American Great Lakes grids |
| Gulf of Cadiz grids |
| HMS Scott 2004 multibeam |
| IBCAO V3 interpolation |
| IBCAO V3 or IBCSO V1 multibeam |
| IBCAO V3 or IBCSO V1 singlebeam |
| IBCAO V3 or IBCSO V1 digital bathymetric model |
| IBCAO V3 contours |
| Olex |
| GMT Surface Interpolation |
| GMRT |
| Gridded multibeam Geological Survey of Ireland |
| IBCSO V1 grid nautical charts |
| BCSO V1 grid steering points |
| IBCSO V1 grid interpolation |
| IBCSO V1 from GEBCO_08 Grid from satellite interpolation |
| IBCSO V1 from GEBCO_08 Grid trackline |
| IBCSO V1 grid |
| Control Contours |
| EMODnet 2013 |
| Baltic Sea Bathymetric Database grid |
| GEBCO One Minute Grid |
| Contours from Centenary Edition of the GEBCO Digital Atlas |
| Contours from the International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean (IBCM) |
| RRS Charles Darwin cruise CD118 Multibeam |
| ENC soundings from Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile |
| Multibeam from Japan Coast Guard grid |
| Japan Coast Guard Grid from J-EGG500 grid JODC-Expert Grid data for Geographic -500m |
| Shiptrack Soundings with Satellite Gravity interpolation |
| 0 |