Description: This point feature shapefile represents the location and collection information for the 23 vibracores collected in 1984 and 1988 with in the New Hampshire continental shhelf. Within each point the year, position, and associated vibracore logs are given in the attribute table, These vibracres were used as ground truth in assocatied sea floor geolotic maps and reports. PDF of vibracores can bee hyperlinked to these data.
Service Item Id: 7b41a5ab3a9f4212b70e815fc81b8f6c
Copyright Text: The development of the “New Hampshire and Vicinity Continental Shelf: Sand and Gravel
Resources” report and maps was supported by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Award
Number M14AC00010 and University of New Hampshire/National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Joint Hydrographic Center Award Number NA10NOS4000073.
We gratefully acknowledge the United States Geological Survey at Woods Hole Coastal and
Marine Science Center Sample Repository and Data Archives. Brian Buczkowski provided expert
help in locating, photographing, and sampling archived vibracores from the New Hampshire shelf.
VeeAnn Cross and Linda McCarthy provided similar services, locating and scanning the original
subbottom seismics acquired on the New Hampshire continental shelf that were central to this
study. A number of colleagues at the University of New Hampshire Center for Coastal and Ocean
Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center provided scientific and technical support, advice, and insight
including the IT Group (Will Fessenden and Jordan Chadwick), Data Management (Paul Johnson
and Erin Nagel), Larry Mayer, David Mosher and a number of other faculty and research
Copyright Text: Cores collected by Francis S. Birch (UNH), with support of Minerals Management Service MMS Coastal States Co-op 14-12-0001-30115, Sediment texture and associated seismic interpretations described by Franz Anderson (UNH) and Francis S. Birch (UNH) . Data archived and converted to digital formats by Larry G. Ward (UNH JHC/CCOM). Data processed in GIS formats by Larry G. Ward (UNH), Zach S. McAvoy (UNH), Maxlimer Vallee-Anziani (UNH). with support form BOEM